Search Results
IOHK | Prof. Philip Wadler, area leader, programming languages.
IOHK | Research; Prof. Philip Wadler, Smart Contracts.
IOHK PlutusFest 2018 | Academic Stream | Philip Wadler - Senior Research Fellow
[PurPL Fest] (Programming Languages) in Agda = Programming (Languages in Agda) - Philip Wadler
Professor Philip Wadler: Functional Programming In Finance
Keynote: Propositions as Types - Philip Wadler
Professor Philip Wadler on Plutus and Haskell | TCE 10
Computability, Philip Wadler
Philip Wadler - Plutus and Marlowe
"Categories for the Working Hacker" by Philip Wadler
Plutus Core - Professor Philip Wadler - Area Leader - Programming Languages - Cardano - IOHK -
Philip Wadler - Categories for the Working Hacker